Mpc: N53 | GTIN:

Whole Raw Cashews

Cashews are prized among nuts for their unique, sweet, buttery flavor with a soft crunch. We source raw cashews with starchy meat, soft crunch and light, creamy nut flavor for our Whole Raw Cashews.

  • Delicately sweet, buttery rich nut flavor

  • Soft crunchy texture

  • Creamy blonde color

  • Medium sized oval nuts with inward curve

  • All natural

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $63.35
    $0.79 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Oven roast and enjoy as a snack or an ingredient in trail mixes

  • Toast or boil to create nut butter or vegan condiments

  • Cook into stir-fry dishes or bake into stuffing and casseroles

  • Basic prep

    Whole Raw Cashews must be cooked or toasted before being eaten.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Cashews (contains tree nuts).

    Cashews are the seeds of the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale), a small flowering tree believed to be native to Brazil. What we know as cashew nuts are actually seeds that grow in a kidney- or c-shaped drupe (called the "receptacle") that grows out of the blossom end of cashew apples, the fleshy, bell-pepper-shaped fruit of the cashew tree. The drupe forms on tree and then, as it matures, the cashew apple forms in between the receptacle and the rest of the plant. Cashew apples are also considered a prized foodstuff by some cultures, but they are highly perishable-often going from ripe to rotten in a single day. The cashew nuts themselves are a much more widely eaten food since, once properly shelled, they are shelf-stable for a much longer time.

    The receptacles in which the nuts grow have two tough shells containing a protective layer of an irritating, acidic liquid which is sometimes collected for medicinal uses. Collecting the nuts requires considerable care and usually involves roasting them while still in the receptacle to drive off the cashew nut shell liquid and to make the shells brittle and more easy to remove.

    The Portuguese are given credit for spreading the cultivation of cashews. In fact, the English word for the nut "cashew" is an Anglicized pronounciation of "caju," the word the Portuguese adopted from "acaju" the word used by the Tupi people native to the areas of Brazil where cashews were first collected and eaten.

    In the 16th century Portuguese explorers introduced cashew trees from Brazil to other Portuguese colonies in tropical regions such as India and Africa. Cashews are, of course, not just delicious but also highly nutritious so they quickly became a staple food crop there and they continue to be widely cultivated today. Like many nuts, cashews are a great source of protein, but they are also a great source of minerals especially magnesium. They're rich in monounsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidant vitamins.

    Cashew nuts are popular both as snacks eaten out of hand or added as an ingredient in recipes. As with many nuts, a gentle roasting prior to eating enhances the appreciation of their flavor. Cashews contain more starch than other nuts which makes them better capable to thicken soups, stews, custards and other liquids in which they are cooked.

    These Whole Raw Cashews are prime examples of the nut. Their creamy texture and rich, buttery flavor are great additions to sweet and savory dishes alike, or eaten just as they are. Since they are not roasted or salted, they have a slightly softer texture and are a great choice for use as an ingredient in recipes.

    Classic recipe

    Cashew Cream Cheese

    Vegans will love this recipe for the creaminess and tangy, rich flavor. But to the uninitiated raw cashews is the secret to replacing cream cheese everyday. Shmear some on a bagel and no one will be the wiser.