Peruvian ceviche is typically marinated in a blend of citrus juice, various aji chiles and red onion. This marinade is so intensely flavored it has a name of its own (leche de tigré, or “tiger’s milk”) and is frequently served as a hangover cure. This classic recipe uses our Peruvian Spice Blend to season a typical combination of fish, corn and sweet potatoes and is garnished in true Peruvian fashion with Cancha Serrana, oil-roasted heritage corn kernels.
Prep time: 25 min
Cook time: min
Total time: 25 min

Makes 6 servings
1 Large Sweet Potato
1 Ear Of Corn, steamed or boiled
2 Pounds Very Fresh Sea Bass, Red Snapper Or Flounder
1 Medium Red Onion, very thinly sliced
1 Cup Fresh Lime Juice
1 1/2 Tablespoons Peruvian Seasoning
1 Tablespoon Cilantro Leaves, optional garnish
Peel sweet potato and slice into 1/2-inch thick rounds. Cut corn into1/2-inch rounds.
Cut the fish into bite size dice. Place fish and onion in large nonreactive bowl. Pour key lime juice over fish and gently fold or gently toss to coat all fish. Season with Peruvian Spice Blend and fold again. Refrigerate for 5 to 10 minutes.
To serve, transfer fish and onions in serving bowl. Arrange sweet potato slices and corn in same bowl. It is traditional to drink the “leche de tigré,” the leftover marinade once the fish has been eaten.