This bright, flavorful salad features a nontraditional pesto made from cilantro leaves, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas) and salty parmesan cheese. Our rehydrated Freeze Dried Corn and roasted red pepper add delightful contrast and texture.
Prep time: 20 min
Cook time: 10 min
Total time: 30 min

1 Teaspoon Chopped Raw Garlic
2 1/2 Ounces Cilantro Leaves, rinsed and spun
1 Ounce Grated Parmesan Cheese
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Kosher Sea Salt Flakes
1 Pound Middle Eastern Couscous
9 Ounces Freeze Dried Sweet Corn, rehydrated
5 Ounces Roasted Red Pepper, chopped
Process garlic, cilantro, Parmesan, 2 ounces roasted pumpkin seeds, olive oil and salt in food processor until thick and smooth. Set aside.
Boil Middle Eastern Couscous in salted water for 8 minutes, then rinse with cold water to remove excess starch and let cool.
Combine couscous, pesto, corn and pepper in large bowl, and toss to incorporate. Sprinkle with reserved pepitas. Serve cold or at room temperature.