Mpc: B12 | GTIN:

Swedish Brown Beans

The Swedish Brown Bean is closely related to the kidney bean and a member of the legume family, offering nutrient density, mildly sweet flavor and creamy texture that performs well on its own or as a component among other ingredients.

  • Approximately 3/8 to 1/2 inch in length

  • Amber to mustard brown

  • Oval shape

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $67.20
    $0.42 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Traditionally served in a sweetened purée with smoked pork or game meats

  • Beautiful and flavorful as a side dish with butter and chopped fresh parsley

  • Basic prep

    Rinse thoroughly and soak overnight. Rinse and place in a large pot, covered with fresh water. Bring water to a boil for 3 minutes, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 60 to 90 minutes, until tender. This bean produces foam when boiling, so skim the water regularly.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a cool, dry place.


    Swedish brown beans.

    The Swedish brown bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), is dark, amber-colored bean with a rich, sweet flavor. Originally cultivated by the Swedish, these tender beans were not introduced to the United States until the 19th century. They are traditionally served in a sweetened purée with smoked meats.

    Believed to have originated in Peru, beans were spread through trade throughout South and Central America, later being introduced to Europe in the 15th century by Spanish explorers. Known as an inexpensive source of protein and nutrition, they have become dietary staples in many cultures.

    Swedish brown beans are members of the larger family of legumes, a genre of plant species used for their edible seeds and pods that boast a high nutrient density with low-maintenance production and storage. They contain high levels of protein, essential minerals and fiber while maintaining a low level of fats.

    Believed to have originated in Peru, beans were spread through trade throughout South and Central America, later being introduced to Europe in the 15th century by Spanish explorers. Known as a quality, inexpensive source of protein and nutrition, they have become diet staples in many cultures and are now widely produced in Asia, Europe and North America.

    Classic recipe

    Swedish Baked Brown Beans (Bruna Bönor)

    This flavorful baked bean recipe is an excellent example of the traditional Swedish dish Bruna Bönor, a sweetened bean dish typically served on Shrove Tuesday with smoked pork or Swedish potato sausage.