Scarlet Runner Beans
Scarlet Runner Beans are similar to pinto or pink beans. Hearty, mild and colorful, they are very versatile and complementary to other flavors.

Suggested uses
Basic prep
Carefully sort and soak overnight in plenty of water. Drain, rinse and place in large pot with fresh water. Bring to boil, cover and reduce to simmer until tender.
Storage & handling
Store in a cool, dry place.
The scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) comes from a long, edible green bean-like pod that holds deep red and purple-streaked seeds. The plant is ornamental and a climber, bearing showy sprays of bright red flowers alongside its bean producing pods. In the United States, it is often planted specifically for its beautiful blooms, which tend to attract hummingbirds.
The striking dark red to purple streaked beans are larger than most others and hold their shape well when cooked, making them an excellent choice for preparations such as salads, bruschetta and sautés, where they can take center stage. In Mexico, runner beans are often prepared in a chile-spiked sauce or soup.
In the Central and South American highlands, where they originated, the beans come in many colors, and are called "frijoles botil," "ayacotl" or "ayacote," the second two words being similar to the French word for bean, "haricot."
Scarlet Runner Beans are a member of the larger family of legumes, a genre of plant species used for their edible seeds and pods, which boast a high nutrient density with low-maintenance production and storage. They contain high levels of protein, essential minerals and fiber while maintaining a low level of fats.
Classic recipe
Scarlet Runner Beans in Chile Sauce
In Mexico, scarlet runner beans are known as “ayocote beans,” and are often served in a deeply flavorful chile sauce – their meatiness offering the perfect compliment to the sauce’s richness. Try this bean-and-chile mixture as a vegetarian taco filling, or spoon it over rice for a complete vegetarian dish.