Mpc: B75 | GTIN:
Red Split Peas
These Red Split Peas are husked and split to showcase a mild, sweet, earthy flavor and a soft texture similar to lentils.
• Pale salmon pink color
• 1/4 inch wide
• Soft, granular texture

This product will be returning soon!
Suggested uses
• Cook with tomatoes, onions, cream and curry spices for a delicious and protein-packed Indian curry dish
• Add to chili for a unique flavor and texture
• Use cooked, pureed split peas to make a simple batter and cook on a griddle to make traditional Indian split pea pancakes
• Toss lightly cooked Red Split Peas with fresh tomatoes, peppers, onion, herbs and lemon juice for a fresh, flavorful salad
• Blend cooked Red Split Peas with various seasonings to make dips and spreads
Basic prep
Red Split Peas should not be soaked before cooking. Simmer in boiling water for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The longer this legume cooks, the more it will break down and cause soups to thicken.
Storage & handling
Store in a dry, cool place.
Red peas.