Mpc: OV26 | GTIN:

Organic Spinach Powder

We produce our Spinach Powder by simply grinding whole, dried spinach leaves to a finely textured powder that preserves the vibrant green color and mild spinach flavor. Ideal for recipes where spinach flavor and/or color is desired, but not whole leaves.

  • Fine (60 mesh) powder

  • Medium green color

  • Vegetal, slightly bitter spinach flavor

  • Extended shelf life

  • Certified organic to the specifications of the USDA National Organic Program

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $25.15
    $1.8 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Can be used in yeast breads, quick breads or muffins

  • Add to pasta dough for green color and spinach flavor

  • If adding to dough, mix into flour before adding wet ingredients-use about 1/2 ounce for every pound of flour

  • Combine with herbs or sun-dried tomatoes for a light, savory flavoring for chips and snacks

  • Adds earthy spinach flavor to soups and stews

  • Add a scoop to smoothies for a nutritional boost

  • Basic prep

    Ready to use. No preparation necessary.


    Organic spinach

    Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a flowering plant valued for its leaves, which are high in nutritional value and deep green in color. It is extremely versatile and widely used in cuisines around the world.

    Spinach ranks as one of the world's healthiest vegetables, containing very high levels of vitamins A and K, manganese, folate and calcium, as well as relatively high levels of iron.

    Spinach originated in ancient Persia, finding its way east to India and China during the first century A.D. It showed up in Italy later in that century, and finally spread more broadly through Europe during the 12th century.

    When Italian aristocrat Catherine de' Medici became queen of France in 1522, she insisted that spinach be served at every meal, thus spawning the culinary term "Florentine" to describe foods made with spinach due to her birthplace, Florence.

    Classic recipe

    Roasted Carrots with Spinach Green Goddess Dressing

    In this recipe, classic green goddess dressing gets an update with our convenient Spinach Powder, giving the dressing a boost of herbaceous flavor as well as a more vibrant, striking green color.