Mpc: OG41 | GTIN:

Organic Spelt

Organic Spelt is a shiny, reddish-brown grain that is a relative of wheat and resembles a cross between wheat and barley. We source the highest quality spelt grains available.

  • Sweet, nutty, wheat-like flavor

  • Chewy texture is reminiscent of wheat berries or brown rice

  • Light tan to brown color

  • Approximately 1/4-inch long grains

  • Certified organic to the specifications of the USDA National Organic Program.

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $35.95
    $0.22 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Marinate with vegetables in vinaigrettes and other dressings as a hearty, filling salad

  • Add to soups, stews or curries for an interesting texture and flavor enhancer

  • Can be substituted for grains such as rice, quinoa, barley or wheat berries in most dishes

  • Basic prep

    Add 1 cup Organic Spelt to 2-1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 35 minutes.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Organic Spelt. Contains wheat.

    Spelt (Triticum aestivum spelta) is thought to have originated in the ancient Near East, in present-day Iran, more than 7,000 years ago. It is an ancient, pre-industrialized relative of today's common wheat, and provides a wider range of nutrients than other members of the wheat family.

    One of the first staple grains of ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome, Spelt was so important that it was offered up as a gift to the pagan gods of agriculture to encourage a fruitful harvest.

    Spelt has been cultivated in the United States since the late 19th century, but during the 20th century it was mostly replaced with bread wheat, which was more industrialization-friendly due to its softer husk. However, it has remained very popular in Europe, especially in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, where it is called "dinkel."

    Spelt is currently experiencing a resurgent popularity in the United States due to the rise of the organic farming movement. Naturally more resistant to pests and diseases than common wheat due to its tough outer hull, Spelt requires fewer pesticides, making it a natural choice for organic farmers. Spelt has also been less thoroughly hybridized, meaning the varieties available to farmers to sow and grow are closer to the ancient varieties.

    Hulled Spelt can be eaten as a whole grain in salads, soups and sides, or the grain can be ground into flour and substituted directly for wheat flour in breads, pastas, cookies and other baked goods.

    Like all whole grains, Spelt is high in fiber, but it also boasts more protein than common wheat. Spelt is an excellent source of manganese, a nutrient that helps keep bones and tissues strong, nerves healthy and blood sugar levels normal. Spelt is also particularly heart-healthy due to its high niacin content. It is also a good source of copper, phosphorus, magnesium.

    Classic recipe

    Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs and Spelt

    This lightened-up version of classic Italian wedding soup trades pork meatballs for turkey and orzo pasta for spelt. With its chewy, al dente texture, Spelt adds extra heartiness as well as important fiber.