Mpc: OH77 | GTIN:

Organic Ginger Powder

Ginger has a spicy botanical flavor that is sharp and refreshing. We source certified organic, all-natural ginger for our Organic Ginger Powder, a convenient, shelf-stable way to add natural ginger flavor.

  • Sharp, spicy ginger flavor

  • Light tannish yellow

  • Ground to fine powder

  • Certified organic to the specifications of the USDA National Organic Program

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $23.45
    $1.95 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Use to flavor hot tea and milk or lattes

  • Add to sweet creations such as gingerbread and gingersnaps for a balancing, bracing spiciness

  • Use in spice blends such as curry, marinades and rubs

  • Stir into Asian vegetable dishes and Indian rice blends, Chinese stir-fries, marinades, pickles, Japanese rice dishes, mulled wine and vegetable stews

  • Basic prep

    Ready to use. Add to taste.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Organic Ginger Powder.

    Organic Ginger Powder (Zingiber officinale) comes from the dried root, or rhizome, of the ginger plant. The root has tan skin, ivory to golden flesh and a peppery, slightly sweet flavor.

    Ginger is native to modern-day India and China, and takes its name from the Sanskrit word "stringa-vera," which translates to "with a body like a horn," referring to its antler-like, branching shape. It grows in tropical regions, including India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Nigeria, Japan and the Phillippines. The ginger grown in Jamaica is widely regarded as the best in the world.

    Ginger has been an important spice since man's earliest recorded history, often sought for its healing properties. It has been an important part of Chinese medicine for many centuries, being used to ease inflammation and speed recovery from the common cold. It is mentioned in the Ayurveda, the Hindu manual of the science of medicine, in the 5th century BC. Today, ginger is still used widely as a digestive aid and to help relieve indigestion, gas, cramping and other stomach ailments. It is also used to treat nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness.

    In Chinese cooking, Ginger plays an important role in the balancing foods, serving as the yang (hot ingredient) to the ying (cool) ingredients. Ginger is commonly included in Indian masala spice mixtures for curry, and Japanese pickled Ginger, known as "gari," is a ubiquitous partner for sushi, used as a palate cleanser. Ginger was introduced to Western Europe from Jamaica in the ninth century, becoming so popular that it was often placed on the table along with pepper and salt. Today, an unusual British specialty called "stem ginger" refers to fresh young Ginger roots that are peeled and sliced, then cooked in heavy sugar syrup.

    Ginger's spicy aroma and flavor comes from a combination of volatile oils called zingerone, shogaols and gingerols.

    Classic recipe

    Ginger Cake Roll with Ginger Cream

    Our crisp and refreshing organic ginger powder makes this rich cake so good it may only be enough for 2-3. The ginger in the sponge cake is deep and mellow and the whipped cream has the signature sharp ginger bite. Finish this roll with some powdered sugar, more whipped cream or some chopped walnuts.