Mpc: X19 | GTIN:

Mochi Rice

Mochi Rice is a hulled, short-grain glutinous white rice with mild, sweet flavor. Due to high starch content, this rice becomes very sticky and soft when cooked and is ideal for both sweet and savory dishes. Mochi Rice is commonly ground into rice cakes, sweets and other traditional Asian dishes.

  • Mild, slightly sweet flavor

  • Very high starch content

  • Very sticky cooked texture

  • Short, approximately 3/16-inch long rice

  • Naturally gluten free

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $34.75
    $0.22 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Use to make crackers, rice balls, rice cakes and rice molds

  • Use for sushi rolls, rice pudding or soup

  • Use in confections and ice cream creations

  • Basic prep

    Rinse 1 cup of Mochi Rice in several changes of cold water until water runs clear. Drain in a colander. Combine drained rice and 1 1/2 cups water in medium saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Let rest covered for 15 minutes more

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    White Rice.

    Mochi Rice is used to make mochi, a traditional Japanese rice cake that can then be used in a variety of foods.

    To make the cakes, cooked Mochi Rice is pounded until it becomes sticky enough to hold together. It is then shaped into balls or cakes, wrapped with seaweed or filled with little pieces of meat or seafood. Raw Mochi Rice can also be made into mochiko flour to use in make crackers and rice noodles.

    Our Mochi Rice is glutinous rice with high starch content, but is free from wheat gluten, which some special diets cannot tolerate.

    Classic recipe

    Basic Mochi

    Mochi rice is a glutinous rice that is very sticky when cooked. This application is popular throughout Japan and can be flavored or filled.