Mpc: Q04 | GTIN:

Middle Eastern Couscous

Middle Eastern Couscous, also commonly known as Israeli couscous, is a petite, pearl-shaped pasta made from durum wheat semolina flour.

  • About the size of a peppercorn when cooked

  • Light, nutty flavor

  • Chewy texture can stand up to more substantial sauces

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $32.85
    $0.26 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Convenient and versatile, it cooks in just 10 minutes and stays firm after cooking

  • Especially tasty in a pilaf-style preparation with sautéed onions and garlic, but also adds substance to soups, salads, casseroles and more

  • Toss chilled Middle Eastern Couscous with colorful marinated vegetables for a quick, tasty side dish

  • Basic prep

    Bring 4 cups of water to boil with a pinch of salt. Add 1 cup of couscous. Boil gently for 10 minutes, or until al dente. Drain and rinse with cold water or serve immediately.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Wheat flour. Contains wheat.

    Middle Eastern couscous, also known as Israeli couscous, is a petite, pearl-shaped pasta made from durum wheat semolina flour. The word "couscous" derives from the Arabic word "kaskasa," meaning "to pound small." Middle Eastern couscous is used in a variety of dishes because of its sturdy, toothsome texture and how effectively it absorbs flavors. Unlike the smaller Moroccan couscous, Middle Eastern couscous is about the size and shape of a peppercorn. This larger size gives it a chewy bite and allows it to stand up to more substantial sauces.

    Couscous is believed to have originated in North Africa, with references to it in cookbooks going back as far as the 13th century and evidence of kitchen utensils needed to prepare it found in this part of the world and dating back to the 9th century. Couscous is made from durum wheat flour called semolina that is moistened and rolled into form and then coated in finely ground wheat flour. Traditional couscous is extremely labor-intensive to prepare and is usually steamed. The most prominent kind of couscous typically found in supermarkets today is the quick-cook type.

    Couscous can be eaten alone flavored or plain, warm or cold, or as part of a side dish. In its native North Africa, it is traditionally paired with meats and vegetables and served with a sauce. It provides a unique alternative to rice or pasta, due to its adaptability to a variety of flavor profiles. In addition to being served throughout North Africa, couscous is extremely popular in France, where it has been adopted as a traditional dish. It is also commonly served in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece.

    Classic recipe

    Real Chicken Soup

    Classic chicken soup is ubiquitous across the globe. Fresh ingredients, good technique and authentic Middle Eastern couscous guarantee full, warm bellies every time.