Mpc: V10 | GTIN:

Jerusalem Artichoke Powder

Jerusalem Artichoke Powder is a fine, versatile powder made from the Jerusalem artichoke, also called "sunchoke," a root vegetable related to the sunflower. The powder is a gluten-free alternative to flour.

  • Fine-textured light tan powder with a pale green tinge

  • Nut-like taste, reminiscent of a cross between radish or jicama and artichoke

  • Useful as a sweetener and a thickener

  • Naturally gluten free

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $41.85
    $2.62 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • To add a unique sweet-savory flavor to bread or pasta, substitute 2 teaspoons for an equal amount of flour and incorporate before adding wet ingredients

  • Can be used in yeast breads, quick breads or muffins

  • A thickening agent for soups, sauces or gravies

  • Basic prep

    Ready to use. No preparation necessary.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Jerusalem artichoke tubers.

    The Jerusalem Artichoke comes from a tuber in the sunflower family that is native to North America. Neither an artichoke nor from Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Artichoke is also called a sunchoke or sunroot, which is closer to its original Native American name. The tuber has been cultivated as food by Native Americans for hundreds of years.

    It resembles ginger root when raw, and has a crisp, crunchy texture of potatoes or water chestnuts. It can be shaved thin and added to salads, roasted or prepared like mashed potatoes.

    While Jerusalem Artichokes are harvested in the fall through early spring, Jerusalem Artichoke Powder is available year round. The powder delivers a pleasant, sweet taste and offers a range of applications, both as a sweetener and a thickening agent. It can also be used as an alternative to flour in recipes for pancakes and pasta.

    Classic recipe

    Artichoke Dip

    Jerusalem Artichokes are not the usual artichoke in this dip. As a complimentary flavor though Jerusalem Artichoke Powder adds a powerful profile that makes this classic appetizer unique.