Mpc: G108 | GTIN:

Ground Black Chia Seed

Ground Black Chia Seeds is a powder made from small, oval-shaped, edible seeds known for their nutritional value and health benefits. Mild in flavor and unique in texture, these healthy seeds can range from crunchy to nutty to gelatinous depending on how they are prepared.

  • Mild, neutral taste

  • Grayish black color

  • Naturally gluten free

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $94.55
    $0.59 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Can be used raw or soaked in liquid to gain gelatinous texture
  • Sprinkle on cereal, salads or onto the dough of baked goods
  • Soak in water or fruit juice to make a refreshing, nutritional beverage
  • Can be used to make a gluten-free replacement for wheat flour when combined with other seed and nut meals
  • Basic prep

    Use raw or mix with water or juice to form a gel

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Chia seeds

    Black Chia Seeds (the seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant) have been cultivated as a food source for thousands of years in Meso- and South America, at least since the time of the Mayan and Aztec empires. In fact, the word "chia" is a corruption of the Mayan word for "strength" and gives a good indication of the reason it was so highly valued.
    Chia seed is one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids and are naturally gluten-free, high in calcium and loaded with fiber. The nutritional punch of these little seeds have been long known, dating back to Aztec warriors who used this super-food to fuel their conquests.
    Chia seeds have a well-known ability to form a gel when soaked in water or other liquid. The outer shell of chia seeds are covered in microscopic hair-like fibers. These fibers attract and trap water, forming a loose gel with up to nine times the original volume of the chia seeds.
    Their unique ability to become gelatinous when soaked in liquid aids digestion and slows the absorption of nutrients while also creating new way to create texture in recipes.
    This powder is a great, easy to use way to bring the nutritional benefits of chia seeds to your cooking. Milled from the same high-quality, Black Chia Seeds we sell whole.

    Classic recipe

    Gluten-Free Chocolate Chia Cake

    This rich, gooey chocolate cake incorporates Ground Black Chia Seeds - a useful component in gluten-free recipes. Soaking Ground Black Chia Seeds in water makes a jelly that binds the eggs and almond flour together.