Mpc: Q02 | GTIN:


Couscous is a seed-sized semolina pasta with origins in North Africa, where it has been a culinary staple for more than 800 years. Our quick-cooking couscous has pleasant flavor and a light, fluffy texture that make it an ideal base for an endless array of spice and ingredient combinations.

  • Off-white to yellow in color

  • Cooks quickly

  • Mild, plain flavor

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $41.35
    $0.26 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Cook and chill to use as a base for salads

  • Add to soups for texture and thickening

  • Serve with long-braised Moroccan stews, called tagine, featuring lamb, chicken or vegetables

  • Basic prep

    Bring 1-1/4 cups water to a boil in medium saucepan with optional pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of butter or olive oil. Stir in 1 cup of couscous and remove from heat. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Durum Wheat Semolina. Contains wheat.

    Couscous is believed to have originated in North Africa, with references to it in cookbooks going back as far as the 13th century. Couscous is made from durum wheat flour called semolina that is moistened and rolled into form and then coated in finely ground wheat flour. Traditional couscous is extremely labor intensive to prepare, and is usually steamed. However, the most prominent form of couscous typically found in supermarkets today is the quick-cook type.

    Couscous can be eaten alone either flavored or plain, warm or cold, or as part of a side dish. In its native North Africa, it is traditionally paired with meats and vegetables and served with a sauce. It provides a unique alternative to rice or pasta, due to its adaptability to a variety of flavor profiles.

    The word "couscous" derives from the Arabic word "kaskasa," meaning "to pound small." In addition to being served throughout North Africa, couscous is extremely popular in France, where it has been adopted as a traditional dish. It is also commonly served in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece.

    Classic recipe

    Couscous with Cinnamon and Nutmeg

    Classically prepared couscous can be used as a base for so many dishes — especially roasted meats, poultry and fish. This recipe stays true to its North African roots, combining aromatic cinnamon and nutmeg to create a deliciously fragrant dish.