Mpc: H392 | GTIN:

Brown Rock Crystal Sugar

Brown Rock Sugar Crystals are a large, faceted form of sweet, crystalline sucrose, most often used as an additive to foods for texture as a garnish for added visual interest.

  • Sweet sugar flavor

  • Translucent to brown color, due to the natural presence of molasses

  • 1/8 to 1/2 inch irregular crystals

  • D'allesandro
    Price: $23.40
    $1.17 / Ounce

    This product will be returning soon!

    Suggested uses

  • Offer with coffee or tea service for a striking and unusual presentation

  • Use to add visual interest to confections

  • Basic prep

    Ready to use. Add to taste.

    Storage & handling

    Store in a dry, cool place.


    Pure cane sugar, caramel color.

    Brown Rock Sugar Crystals are formed through a crystallization process whereby water is saturated with sugar and then agitated during the dissolving process. These granules combine to form into small rocks, perfect for adding visual interest to confections or using on the table for coffee or tea.

    Sugar is derived mostly from sugarcane and sugar beets. It was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, and present in Europe as early as the 1st century CE. Processed sugar remained a luxury food well into the 19th century. The British dominated the sugar industry and were driven to many tropical countries and the Americas where sugarcane plantations became a major overseas commodity, introducing the trade triangle that intensified slave trade.

    In 1801, the first European beet sugar factory was established, making domestic production popular and accessible to the masses and inevitably making sugar a household staple. Today, roughly 70% of sugar is derived from sugar cane in tropical countries and 30% is derived from beets, mainly in Europe and North America.

    Classic recipe

    Sweet Ginger Chicken

    In this recipe, using our visually appealing White Rock Crystal Sugar allows the sweetness to slowly distribute into the sauce as it cooks down and thickens. Paired with fresh ginger, this one-pan meal is flavorful yet simple to prepare.