Black Walnut Pieces
Black Walnuts have a bolder, fuller flavor than other walnuts with a creamy texture and soft crunch. We source premium black walnuts and chop them for an easily applicable form of delicious Black Walnut Pieces.

Suggested uses
Basic prep
Ready to use.
Storage & handling
Store in a dry, cool place.
Walnuts. Contains tree nuts.
Black Walnuts are the seeds found in what is commonly understood to be the most important variety of walnut tree native to the United States, the American black walnut (Juglans nigra). The American black walnut is still found growing throughout its natural range of the eastern United States, although it can also be found in the Midwest. Most commercial cultivation of black walnuts is found in California.
Walnuts grow inside a hard shell surrounded by a fleshy husk which is removed after harvest. Walnuts are marketed either in the shell or with the shells removed (as these are).
Our Black Walnut Pieces are raw walnuts which are shelled and broken into small pieces. They have a soft crunch which can be enhanced with a light toasting or a gentle roasting, which will also bring out their inherent aroma. Black walnuts have a more pronounced flavor and aroma than English walnuts.
Walnuts, as many nuts, are a good source of protein and dietary fiber. They are also a key source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.